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  • 執筆者の写真BluOcean

ASIS Thailand Chapter’s 2023 Asia Security Exchange (ASX)

BluOcean members were recently in Bangkok, Thailand to attend ASIS Thailand Chapter’s 2023 Asia Security Exchange (ASX). The momentous occasion was also highlighted by the winner announcements of The Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs), of which BluOcean Security proudly sponsors. 

The event co-hosted by ASIS International Thailand Chapter and OSPAs provided an opportunity for members of the security industry to come together and recognize colleagues for outstanding contributions to the growing industry. 

It is rewarding to witness leaders in the security industry continue to push boundaries on how we innovate and create global impact. We at BluOcean Security are grateful to be part of the security community in Asia Pacific and look forward to more gatherings to exchange insight and create more opportunities.





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